Kathryn Rogers DipNT  MBANT

Registered Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Healthy Ageing

Healthy Ageing

Healthy Ageing is my special interest when it comes to Nutritional Therapy.  This is partly because I am suitably wowed by the potential effects diet and nutrition have on our future health, and partly because I enjoy witnessing the renewed vigour people report to me when they start to make the dietary and lifestyle changes that I recommend.

Because I am so very passionate about this subject, I incorporate healthy ageing into my nutritional therapy programmes as much as possible.  It suits those people interested in supporting their long term well-being and would rather steer their years in a way that promotes good health. 

If you would like to book a Nutritional Therapy programme with Kathryn, please connect with Kathryn to take the first steps.

Take a step to a healthier you
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